Worms Wiki

A Game Style (or Scheme) is a set of options which determines how game-play in a given round of Worms will work.

In the original Worms there are no mechanics for saving game styles, so the game style must be recreated manually using the game settings. Worms 2 introduced a Game Style system (then called schemes) with several default presets (such as Beginner and Holy War) that players can choose from with predefined game settings. In addition players can create, edit, and name their own Game Styles, which has made replaying game modes streamlined. Due to second generation Worms games saving styles as separate files, the game styles can be transferred easily over the internet, allowing for easy spread of new styles of game, such as Rope Race, Mole Shopper, and One of Everything.

Game Options[]

Icon Description Possible values
ArmageddonOptions-health Starting health of all Worms 1 - 255
ArmageddonOptions-wins Number of game wins required to win the match 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9
ArmageddonOptions-turns rotation How it is determined which Worm will move on each turn In rotation
By turn player's selection
ArmageddonOptions-starting locations How Worms are placed around the landscape Randomly
Manually before the game begins
ArmageddonOptions-movement Whether or not Worms are able to move Yes
ArmageddonOptions-ammo stocks How weapon ammo stocks are handled between games in a round Set to their starting values
Increased by their starting values
ArmageddonOptions-donor Whether Donor Cards will be enabled or not No
ArmageddonOptions-fall damage Whether fall damage is enabled or not Yes
ArmageddonOptions-round time How long a game will last until Sudden Death kicks in 0 - 128 seconds or 0 - 127 minutes
ArmageddonOptions-turn time How long each turn will last at maximum 0 - 127 seconds or infinite
ArmageddonOptions-retreat time How much time Worms will have to move after using a weapon 0 - 127 seconds
ArmageddonOptions-rope retreat How much time Worms will have to move after dropping from a Ninja Rope 0 - 255 seconds
ArmageddonOptions-hotseat How long players will have to rotate out in hot-seat games 0, 5, 10, 15 seconds
ArmageddonOptions-time display How the remaining time displays Only show remaining Turn Time
Show remaining Turn Time and Round Time
ArmageddonOptions-weapon crates Relative probability that a Weapon Crate will appear
ArmageddonOptions-crate frequency

0-10; probability =
(this value * 10) / number of crate types with a nonzero value

ArmageddonOptions-utility crates Relative probability that a Utility Crate will appear
ArmageddonOptions-crate frequency

0-10; see above for what this means

ArmageddonOptions-health crates Relative probability that a Health Crate will appear
ArmageddonOptions-crate frequency

0-10; see above for what this means

ArmageddonOptions-health crate amount The amount of health given by Health Crates 0 - 255
ArmageddonOptions-terrain objects How many Mines and/or Oil Drums will appear in the landscape Types:
Mines only
Oil drums only
Mines and Oil Drums
No terrain objects
1-30 (increments of 1)
30-100 (increments of 5)
100-250 (increments of 10)
ArmageddonOptions-duds Whether or not dud Mines will appear Yes
ArmageddonOptions-mine fuse How much of a delay there will be before triggered Mines explode 0 - 3 seconds, or random
ArmageddonOptions-sudden death What happens when the Round Time expires Worms set to 1 HP
Worms are poisoned
Water starts rising
Game ends*
ArmageddonOptions-water rate How quickly the water will rise, if applicable
*Will not appear if the starred option above is set
Water will not rise
Water will rise slowly
Water will rise at a moderate pace
Water will rise quickly
ArmageddonOptions-replay Whether instant replays will occur after certain kills Yes
ArmageddonOptions-cheats Which "cheats" will be enabled in games using the Scheme incomplete

  • Wins - Number of game wins required to win the round.
    • Possible values: 1 - 3
  • Round Time - The length of time before Sudden Death starts.
    • Possible values: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30
  • Turn Time - The length of time per turn.
    • Possible values: 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, or 90 seconds
  • Worm Health - How much HP each Worm has at the start of a round.
    • Possible values: 50, 100, 150 or 200 points
  • Retreat Time - The amount of time Worms get to move after using a weapon.
    • Possible values: 0, 3, or 5 seconds
  • Worm Movement - Changes whether Worms can move.
  • Sudden Death - What happens when the Round Time runs out.
    • Possible values: Sink, 1 Health, Both, or None
  • Fall Damage - Whether or not Worms take fall damage.
  • Rope Retreat - Amount of time Worms get to move after dropping from a Ninja Rope.
    • Possible values: 0, 3, or 5 seconds
  • Rope Swings - Number of swings Worms get with Ninja Ropes.
    • Possible values: 1 - 5, or infinite
  • Worm Select - How it is determined which Worm will be controlled every turn.
  • Teleport In - How Worms are placed at the start of the game.
  • Girder Restriction - Whether or not Girder placement range is limited.
  • Hot-seat Time - The amount of time given for players in a hot-seat game to take control.
    • Possible values: 0, 3, or 5 seconds
  • Indestructible Terrain - Whether or not the terrain can be damaged.
  • Jet Pack Fuel - How much fuel the Jet Pack utility has.
    • Possible values: Low, Medium, or High
  • Water Rise Rate - How quickly water rises during Sudden Death.
    • Possible values: Slow, Normal, or Fast

Weapon Options[]

  • Ammo - How many uses of each weapon each player will start with. Ranges from 0 - 9, or can be set to infinite.
  • Delay - How many turns must elapse before the weapon can be used by either side. Ranges from 0 - 9.
  • Power - Relative strength of the weapon. Ranges from 1 - 5.
  • Crates - Relative chance that the weapon will be found in a crate. Ranges from 0 - 5.
ArmageddonOptions-special weapons
- Whether or not players teams will start with their special weapons.
ArmageddonOptions-weapon cheats
- Allows ammo and delay to be set for certain unlockable weapons.
ArmageddonOptions-super weapons
- Toggles whether superweapons will appear.

  • Ammo - How many uses of each weapon each player will start with. Ranges from 0 - 9, or can be set to infinite.
  • Delay - How many turns must elapse before the weapon can be used by either side. Ranges from 0 - 9.

Object Options[]

  • Max Crates Per Turn - How many crates (total, of all varieties) can spawn per turn.
    • Possible values: 0 - 3
  • Weapon Drop - Percent chance per turn that a weapon crate will spawn.
    • Possible values: 0 - 30% (increments of 5), 90%
  • Utility Drop - Percent chance per turn that a utility crate will spawn.
    • Possible values: 0 - 30% (increments of 5), 90%
  • Health Drop - Percent chance per turn that a health crate will spawn.
    • Possible values: 0 - 30% (increments of 5), 90%
  • Health Value - How much health a health crate will give.
    • Possible values: 25 - 100 (increments of 25)
  • Coin Drop - Percent chance per turn that a coin crate will spawn.
    • Possible values: 0 - 30% (increments of 5), 90%
  • Mines - How many mines will spawn on the stage.
    • Possible values: None, Some, Few, or Lots
  • Mine Fuse - How long it takes for triggered mines to explode.
    • Possible values: 1 - 3 seconds, Random, or Instant
  • Dud Mines - Whether or not dud mines will appear.
  • Oil Drums - How many oil drums will spawn on the stage.
    • Possible values: None, Some, Few, or Lots
  • Physics Objects - How many physics objects will spawn on the stage.
    • Possible values: None, Some, Few, or Lots
  • Dynamic Water - Whether or not dynamic water will spawn.
